
Responsibilities and health-care professional obligations

In addition to individual rights, health care clients have a number of additional rights granted to them by law. As nurses, we have an obligation to ensure that patients’ rights are upheld. These rights include respect, privacy, confidentiality, veracity, liberty to give or refuse informed consent. These rights extend to the right to refuse or discontinue treatment and the right to die with dignity (Keatings & Smith, 2010).

Understand patient rights and responsibilities and health-care professional obligations.

Understand the legislative guidelines and their practical application related to confidentiality and privacy.

Explore the concept of autonomy and its role in informed consent.

Describe the nurse’s role in the informed consent process.

Explore ways to uphold patient rights within your practice.

Reading Assignment:

Keatings, M., & Smith, O. (2010). Patient rights. In M. Keating & O. Smith (Ed.). Ethical and legal issues in Canadian nursing. Toronto,ON: Mosby.

CNO (2009). Practice Standard: Confidentiality and privacy – Personal health information. College of Nurses of Ontario.


CNO (2009). Practice Guideline: Consent. Author



As you read, make note of the following:

What is a right?

What are obligations?

What is the Health Care Consent Act?

What are Substitute Decision-Makers?

Compare the different types of consent (informed, implied, expressed, oral, written).

How do you obtain consent from incompetent adults? Children? In emergencies?

List the clients’ rights as outlined in the text.

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Other Subject: Responsibilities and health-care professional obligations
Reference No:- TGS01425073

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