
Responsibilities and duties of a job

Discuss the below:

1. __________ job analysis mostly focuses on the responsibilities and duties that a job includes.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common type of training?

3. Jacqueline just began her new position as an HR manager at a company that wishes to improve its poor record of job-related injuries. Which of the following techniques should she NOT implement?
Rewarding employees when they follow procedures for safe behavior
Designing and conducting workplace safety trainings
Distributing the safety policies and guidelines to all employees in a handbook

Regularly observing employees considered high-risk for safety violation and reporting any issues to their supervisors

4. Which of the following are issues an organization must keep in mind when developing a recruitment strategy?
Centralized or decentralized recruitment, technological considerations, and the labor market.
Recruiting alliances, compensation and benefits, and recruiters.
Technological considerations, the labor market, and compensation.
Recruiters, the labor market, and centralized or decentralized recruitment.

5. __________ is a form of internal recruiting that reflects a horizontal move in which individuals take on new positions yet remain at the same level of the organizational hierarchy.
A career advancement
A lateral transfer
A promotion
A reorientation

6. Which of the following is NOT one of strategic human resource management schools of thought?
Best fit
Reserve-based view
Best practice
Resource-based view

7. Which of the following is NOT a major reason that selection is crucial to an organization?
Corporate goals cannot be achieved without qualified employees.
Most applicants are overqualified based on their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
A good fit must be found between the employee's academic and technical knowledge, personality, and interpersonal skills in order to ensure success.
Careful selection helps avoid difficulties that cannot be rectified later on.

8. What framework for determining the proper use of selection procedures, including test procedures, has been used by courts in deciding cases related to unfair employment practices?
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
Federal Employment Best Practices
Core Evaluation and Selection Inventories
Federal Employee Selection Best Practice Framework

9. Which of the following accurately describes a drawback of flexible benefits?
They do not take into account the greater diversity of today's workforce.
Studies show that employees who are given more choices tend to have less loyalty to their employers.
If a benefit is popular, not all employees may be able to select it and some will miss out.

If fewer employees choose a benefit, it is more expensive for those who do choose it.

10. Which of the following are most likely to shape employee motivation?
The availability of flextime and other work-life benefits.
The perceived value of the rewards package as a whole.
The monetary value of a specific benefit.
Benefits that are expensive to purchase individually, such as health insurance.

11. The illegal practice of hiring less qualified employees because they belong to a group that is underrepresented is often called:
affirmative action.
reverse discrimination.
disaffirmative action.
hiring quota.

12. Which of the following is NOT an interview type commonly used by organizations?
Unstructured interview
Reference interview
Situational interview
Panel interview

13. Which of the following is NOT one of the sources of information that help an organization determine the type of training it needs?
Individual analysis
Competitor analysis
Job analysis or task analysis
Organizational analysis

14. Which motivation theory is applicable in a situation where an employee is motivated by the prospect of promotion because he/she can fulfill power and achievement needs?
Alderfer's ERG theory
Herzberg's two-factor theory
Thorndike's law of effect
McClelland's acquired needs theory

15. __________ is a method of employee development that helps an employee to develop his or her skills by interacting with a more experienced coworker or supervisor.


16. Which of the following is NOT a major reason that selection is crucial to an organization?
Corporate goals cannot be achieved without qualified employees.
Most applicants are overqualified based on their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
A good fit must be found between the employee's academic and technical knowledge, personality, and interpersonal skills in order to ensure success.
Careful selection helps avoid difficulties that cannot be rectified later on.

17. In the __________ stage of the training process, the content and resources that meet the goals and objectives set in the training's design stage are determined and addressed.
training development
training delivery
training design
training transfer

18. Which of the following is NOT true about Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?
It protects the security and privacy of health information.
It applies to federal, state, and private employers with 50 or more employees who have been with the employer full time for one year or longer.
It exempts pre-existing health conditions.
It grants employees the right to retain their health insurance plans after changing employers or losing their job.

19. According to Kirkpatrick's model's training evaluation framework, which level of assessment is evident in the case of assessing a customer service representative for more efficient handling of phone calls and increased courtesy toward callers?

20. What type of pay does a commission-based compensation for sales jobs represent?
Competency-based pay
Piece-rate pay
Skill-based pay
Independent contractors pay

21. Josh Bersin states that, "US spending on corporate training grew by 15% last year (the highest growth rate in seven years) to over $70 Billion in the US and over $130 Billion worldwide" (2014, para.1). Select a particular industry and discuss the necessity and implications of such excessive training spending. What are some of the challenges HR teams are facing as a result of this particular spending growth?

22. Place yourself in the position of general manager of a service department. How might formally written job requirements help you to manage your work unit?

23. While many organizations are sold on the idea that strategic HRM adds value, a much smaller percentage acts on that belief (see the "Eye on the Goal" feature in chapter 1 of the text for a more detailed discussion of this point). However, HR is sometimes to blame for the doubts and suspicions that organizational decision makers have about the contributions of human assets to the bottom line. Strategic HR planning is at the core of the much-needed changes and developments in the new HR paradigm.

Address the following:

• Define the current predominant paradigm for HR.

• Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current paradigm. (At least 3 each)

• What is the new paradigm for HR?

• In what ways does this new paradigm help organizations realize a human-based competitive advantage? (Offer 2-3 ways. Be specific.)

• What are some practical steps for HR to transform itself and enhance its contributions to organizational success and effectiveness?

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HR Management: Responsibilities and duties of a job
Reference No:- TGS01809218

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