
Response measurement describe how you will a observe and

Behavior Change Proposal Paper

If you would like to earn an "A" in this class, you must write and receive a passing grade on a behavior change proposal. The proposal should describe a behavior change program that you could implement for yourself (self-management program) or someone else (e.g., friend, family member, pet).

The program should incorporate and specify at least two basic principles of behavior discussed in class (e.g., reinforcement, punishment, extinction, generalization, discrimination, respondent conditioning).

You may elect to increase/decrease the frequency of an existing behavior, establish a new behavior, or some combination.

Proposals should be 4-6 pages, typed, and double-spaced. Use the following outline for your proposal:

Introduction: Describe in a few sentences: (a) the behavior(s) targeted for change, (b) the person/animal whose behavior you wish to change (i.e., yourself or someone else), and (c) a rationale for changing the behavior(s) (i.e., why is it important?)

Response Definitions: Provide an operational definition (including situational context if relevant) of each behavior you wish to change. Describe each behavior in objective terms so that it can be observed and counted.

Response Measurement: Describe how you will: (a) observe and collect data on each behavior, and (b) how the data will be summarized (i.e., calculated, graphed, etc.)

Behavior Change Strategies: Describe how you will arrange conditions to change the behavior(s).

Select at least two procedures from the following categories (i.e., the program will consist of at least two strategies): stimulus control, reinforcement/shaping, punishment, extinction, respondent acquisition/extinction.

The paper should include a justification using the material from the textbooks and from notes as to why you are choosing the methods you did as well as a description of what you expect in terms of results (number of trials, obstacles, etc.). Papers should be submitted to Canvas by the date due; students will have one opportunity for revision if they do not pass the first time.

Behavior Change Proposal Outline

I. Introduction

a. The behavior targeted for change

The behavior intended for change is the addiction to junk foods (high-calorie foods)

a. The person targeted for change

I am the one targeted for the modification of behavior. I have a high addiction for junk foods. I can find myself visiting the fast food joints almost three times a day for the high-calorie foods such as pizza.

b. The rationale for changing the behavior

It is important to modify the behavior as it is detrimental to my health. I am almost obese based on the weight gained from eating the junk foods. It is important for me to maintain a healthy weight.

II. Response definition

The behavior I wish to change the current situation is the high addiction to junk and oily foods. I have a high craving for the junk food, and I end up eating much of the fatty foods whenever I feel the cravings. Visiting fast food stores like MacDonald's three times a day is one of the addictive behaviors.

III. Response Measurement

a. Observation and Collection of Data

The behavior would be observed based on the number of incidences I visit fast food stores. The data would also be collected depending on the quantity of junk food I intake at any particular meal. The weight gained over a period of time would also be a way of collecting the relevant data.

b. Data summary

Data would be graphed and calculated depending on the amount of junk food calories and how they increase the weight.

IV. Behavior change strategies

a. Stimulus control strategy

  • Avoiding watching television programs concerning junk foods as they stimulate my cravings
  • Avoiding fast food joints as they are the number one stimulators

b. Reinforcement strategy

  • Eating healthier foods to ensure satisfaction and lower food cravings
  • Reading about the health effects of high calories in the body

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Dissertation: Response measurement describe how you will a observe and
Reference No:- TGS02212347

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