Response latencies for noise detection

A paired-difference experiment dealing with the response latencies for noise detection under two conditions employed a sample of twelve 9-month-old children and reported sample mean difference of 70.1 and standard deviation of 49.4 for differences (J. Morgan and J. Saffran, Child Development, Vol. 66, pp. 911-936, 1995). In their discussion, authors reported a p-value of less than 0.01 for two-sided alternative. Supposing that the test employs 5% signicance level,

a. Determine the t-statistic.

b. Determine the CI (confidence interval) associated with the test.

c. Provide an interpretation of the CI in part (b).

d. Does the CI support conclusion of hypothesis test as reported by its p-value? What can you say regarding the conclusion from hypothesis tests and CI for population means in general? Discuss.

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Basic Statistics: Response latencies for noise detection
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