
Response for platos apology


For this assignment, you need to turn in a 1 to 3 page reading response for Plato's Apology. Your response should be standard formatting (1 inch margins, 11 or 12 point font, no less than 1 page if double spaced, single spaced is ok too).

A note about the reading: The first section of the reading is an account of the defense that Socrates gave at his trial.there is a break in the text, and the next part of the reading is an account of what Socrates said after being found guilty.  there is another break in the text, and the last part is what Socrates says after being sentenced to death.
In your reading response, answer the following questions:

Q.1 What did the oracle at Delphi say about Socrates?

Q.2 Why did the oracle said this (in other words, what did Socrates discover that he knew better than all the experts)?

Q.3 What great service did Socrates think he performed for the city of Athens?

Q.4 Why did Socrates say he couldn't mind his own business?

Q.6 Socrates wasn't too concerned about death. Why not? What was his view of death? What did he fear more than death?

Q.7 What do you think was Socrates' view of the good life? Reflect on whether or not you think Socrates is right, and write about your own thoughts on the matter.

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Other Subject: Response for platos apology
Reference No:- TGS01751573

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