
Respone of kayla edwards and jessica colunga statements

I have given two different students main post, and i need a 50 word reply for each students. the replys need to be separate.

Kayla Edwards:

In my opionon i feel everybody is accountable for their actions reagrdless of their beliefs, religion,etc.. When it came to the religous thinkers opionon, I feel their opionon was cool because we can choose to do whatever it is we want to but it is lawsthat God have made that we as his children must obey. When it comes to homosexual,and abortions God is against it, everybody that is partacking in this matter have either been punish or will get punished. I feel that these issues "homosexual and abotions are a persons free will being able to do whatever they please it when judgement day comes, they will have to answer to God. We were all born into sin. Free will plays a huge role in this dicsussion.

Jessica Colunga:

My understanding of the religious thinkers is that God must exist or no religion will exist on right or wrong. If God does not exist, how can one know they are morally wrong? They believe that right is on Gods demand and it must be included for it to be complete. I believe that one has the freedom to choose want they want for their own action. A person is responsible for their own actions and not God. God only blessed us with things that we do well not just because we think it happens every day. The implications for issues in homosexuality is that one has the freedom to choose their own partner. There are no limits to love, but some people would not accept homosexuality. Everyone is different and unique. Think about abortion, which is a controversial topic. Some people may agree or disagree on abortion. It comes down to what was the reason for a female to have an abortion and not just because she wanted to. At the end, whether God is involved or not a person has their own choice of action.

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