
Responding to the essay below a classmates post requires

Responding to the essay below a classmate's post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in them. As such, reply posts must do more than merely affirm, restate or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s). Instead, your responsive posts must make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion.

On certain occasions, Prosecutors and Defense Attorney, get wrapped up in situations that, presumably motivated by unethical or legally questionable practices, depart from the duties that the constitutional mandates on justice demand. On the other hand, Defense Attorney, just like Prosecutors, can be tempted to depart from the mandates of justice when, for different reasons, they seek or manage to distort the true goal of a defense.

Justice should be objective, and in that goal, we must consider facts that go beyond each justice professional's (Prosecutor or Defense Attorney) convenience or understanding. One very important point is the "public's confidence in the criminal justice system", because without that trust, there would be no legal system to maintain. It would be heinous for a Prosecutor to destroy evidence of a suspect's guilt, because their main mission is the objective prosecution of the crime and this would go against all legal and moral logic. For their part, for a Defense Attorney to allow their client to be declared guilty would go against the legal objective of a fair defense. The authors state that "on the base of confidence and a complete exchange of information, the lawyer assumes the difficult task of defending a client's case" (Neubauer & Fradella, 2014). In short, a judicial system in which Prosecutors and Defense Attorney stray from what is correct is a danger that damages society's confidence.

In conclusion, I consider justice that is distorted by poor legal and ethical practices to constitute a great legal and moral injury. The apostle tells us in Galatians 6:7, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." God sees everything, and man will pay according to how he has acted.

Neubauer, D. W., & Fradella, H. F. (2014). America's courts and the criminal justice system (11th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage.

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