
Respond to peers review your classmates posts and respond


Respond to Peers: Review your classmates' posts, and respond to at least two of your peers. Comment on their provided strategies and suggest additional ways to find balance in their lives. Each response should be a minimum of 50 words.

PEER ONE - Balanced Area in my Life:

For this one I had to think hard because I feel that nothing in my life right now is balanced at all. But After thinking over my life I will say that Family is the most balanced thing that I have right now. By Family I do mean my immediate family. My family is my number one supporters and I theirs. We've learned how to manage our time but always keep in touch especially with me moving out of the stated from them we still keep the tightest bond then we ever have. The way I keep that balanced is pretty much by making sure I talk to them almost every day. We make sure that We all know about all scheduling and life happenings so we can make sure each other are on top of the jobs.

Unbalanced Area in My life:

Now this one was not that hard it was just a matter of picking which unbalanced thing I was going to discuss. One thin that is unbalanced though in my finances. I have a hard time of keeping up with what is due when and paying on time. So when it comes to that I end up paying late which put other things behind and so forth and so forth. One strategy that I want to use to fix this issue is by becoming more organized in an open way. What I mean by that is to actually take a big calendar and on the dates that bills are due write them on the calendar and put that calendar on the refrigerator so that I can see it and know when certain things are due and keep my finances on track.


Based on my own life I will say that having unbalance does place a lot of stress on one person. When things are unbalanced it throws your mind into worry mode. Like how am i going to do this, or where am I going to find the time for this, or how did I allow this to happen and how am I going to fix it! Once your mind goes into worrying you start to stress about the next move you will have to make because somehow you have to move forward. Two ways that you can minimize that stress is to: immediately think positive, it happened lets just move forward and make the best, and take what happened and use it to your advantage by pushing yourself to do better and not let it happen again.

PEER TBalanced Area- Considering that my life seems to be everything but balanced, I had to do some thinking. After going through everything in my life right now I realized that as crazy as it may sound the only time I feel balanced is at work. Usually people are so scattered at work but that is why I love what I do. Don't get me wrong working with children has its days where I just want to go home but that is the place I am most content. Most of the kids that I work with come from bad homes and they each remind me everyday to be thankful and just not take things so serious, that is what keeps me on track.

Unbalanced Area- My life seems to be so unbalanced in so many areas that I am not sure where to start. My financial situation would have to be my first problem for sure. In November of 2015 I lost my full time job. I had to move in with my mom and I have really been struggling to make ends meet with my car payment and other bills. The strategy that i am using to improve this area is I am constantly looking for another job that offers more money and more hours. I am even looking for a second job to makeup for the hours that I do not receive at my current job, anything to help increase my income and help me get back on my feet.

Stress- Reflecting on my own life I know that the areas in my life that are unbalanced cause a great amount of stress on me. I always feel the need to worry and the term relax is not in my vocabulary. My mind is in constant think mode which causes me to barely sleep. I am aware there is someone out here who has more troubles than I can even imagine and would make my problems seem so small but when i am so stressed out it is so overwhelming. I know that once I start bringing in more money and am able to pay my bills on time without having to borrow money things won't be as stressful. Other than finances my fitness also plays a big part in my stress. I know that I need to lose weight but I am a stress eater so it all goes hand in hand. two ways that i can improve these areas of my life are by continuing to look for other jobs so that I can make more money to provide for myself. as far as my fitness goes i need to get on a healthy sleep schedule and also improve my diet and exercise.

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Dissertation: Respond to peers review your classmates posts and respond
Reference No:- TGS01288654

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