
Respond to each post 3 total minimum 150 words each and

Respond to EACH post (3 total) MINIMUM 150 words each and using at least TWO reference sources EACH (not the same ones for each).Write whether or not you agree and why. How informative the post was, etc.


Belize has one of the best things any country could have going for it. It has the Worlds Second Largest Barrier Reef along its coast, and that is a huge concern with the locals who operate their business that will be directly effected by the deterioration of the reef. That can also be bad for the beach fronts, because the reef protects its beaches and is host to many species of wild life that keeps its tourist population coming back. First off, Belize has a very high Deforestation rate. Their are trees that protect the coast, and house some of Belize's wildlife. With the interest in fishing and barrier reef tours, much of these trees have been cut down and destroyed, to make way for new boat docks and paces to put their boats. There are programs in place, that are first of their kind for Belize that is trying to restore the population of trees.

Belize has a large problem with soil and liquid waste and a way to manage it. Belize is still a developing country, and with that being said, most developing countries have these vary issues that Belize currently has. Once larger developers come into Belize and invest money, and the World Bank and other financial corporations see how much money they can make and get return profit from Belize, the country of Belize will start to develop and structure like a developed country, and it will be able to build some capital and infrastructure.
Belize is a developing country that I saw many great things about while I was on my visit. It can be a vacation paradise, and with that being said, vacation is such a large industry and with that alone, the country could prosper and succeed with infrastructure on your own. Belize is in the middle stages of development, with much to improve, starting with public education and women rights.

My video for the week is : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8myLW_uHsg

My video is from Al Jazeera English, posting some of the issues that the environment faces in Belize, and some first of its kind in Belize environment restoration programs.

Works Cited:https://tropicalconservationscience.mongabay.com/content/v1/08-03-03-Young.htm


Sustainable development is an approach being talked about more and more frequently in so many spheres, stemming from the need to create an increased environmental protection and awareness throughout society as well as addressing the ills of the society such as poverty and economic growth, reinforcing the notion that one cannot take place without the other.

This concept means different things to different people, thus sustainable development as an approach requires understanding the issues from many angles since so many around the world still live without access to basic necessities.
In Tanzania, majority of citizens live off the land as in agriculture and livestock, and these resources are scarce.

Human impacts such as , Illegal and unsustainable deforestation, soil erosion, overgrazing, and degradation of water resources and loss of biodiversity, Poor agricultural practices such as shifting cultivation, just to name a few are hindering environmentally sustainable development in the country.??Due to poor governance and rampant corruption in the forestry sector, organized illegal timber crime has led to the government lose millions in revenue.The forest is also linked with agriculture, beekeeping, energy, water uses and biodiversity. thus the mismanagement of fuel resources significantly contributes to deforestation and environmental degradation.

In a bid to address this issues the Tanzanian government launched the Environmental Web portalwhich facilitates awareness, information sharing, communication and harmonization towards supporting the green growth agenda and access to relevant resources in Tanzania. This program is aimed to inspire, promote and mobilize partners for environmental action and innovation in the country.
The Food for Assets program enabled the restoration and rebuilding of rural feeder roads, irrigation cannals, dams, thus impacting more than 50 villages.

Through collaboration of UNDP and UNIDO, two Renewable Energy Centers successfully upgraded to incorporate a micro hydropower scheme. Eighty households got power and appliances, as well as assessment of E-Waste.
Degraded ecosystems rehabilitated in the Kagera region. Access to reliable and clean water restored; this is evidenced by the return of the wildlife

Environment related laws and regulations reviewed and mapped to strengthen the protection of ecosystems and management of natural resources.

Therefore Tanzania in collaboration with international organizations and partners is implementing a series of measures to maintain its biodiversity and ecology and also rip the benefits of economic growth.


Griffiths, Martin, Terry O'Callaghan and Steven Roach. 2008. International relations, the key concepts. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.

https://www.unep.org/resourceefficiency/Consumption/EducationLifestylesandYouth/EducationforSustainableConsumptionESC /PilotProjectonESC2011-2014/Tanzania/tabid/101320/Default.aspx



Russia exported 174 billion dollars' worth of crude oil in 2013 (Wile 2014). It is a state heavily dependent on natural resources. In fact, it is so dependent the amount of pollution created from the use of natural resources and the blue-collar exposure to harmful byproducts of natural resource refinement (i.e. factory workers exposed to chemicals on the job) has damaged the Russian workforce to an extent that actually lowered national GDP down 10 percent. Human capital is suffering at the hands of a state that depends on natural resources heavily. There are solutions for a successful "green" transition. Russia has exhibited the drive to become sustainable, as their current economic model is being exhausted. The current model revolves around oil and gas and the state understands it may be time to transition to a sustainable economic model. In order to transition the Russian state into a sustainable economy, they "need to make state regulation more effective in both the extraction and use of natural resources. Economic and legal instruments (taxes, fees, tariff policies, penalties, regulatory compliance and so on) should be used to compel public and private companies to improve efficiency of resource use, prevent losses and adequately compensate for external costs and environmental damage inflicted on society and the natural environment" (Bobylev 2013).

The current economic model exhibits unsustainable trends and a depletion of natural resources that inhibit GDP. Human health issues from pollution, an unstable economy, and "environmentally unbalanced investment policies leading to an increase in disparities between the extractive industries and the processing, manufacturing and infrastructure sectors of the economy" (Bobylev 2013).
Technology will play the most important role in a successful transition into sustainability. Russia will need to invest in science to provide fuel alternatives along with investments in international trade agreements that will provide goods that cater to a sustainable state. Russia "has vast natural capital and critically important ecosystem services that contribute to the sustainability of the biosphere and provide economic benefits to all mankind. Its vast areas untouched by economic activity, colossal forests and wetlands, freshwater resources and biodiversity are all major potential contributors to the formation of the new economy in the world" (Bobylev 2013).

Wile, Rob. "Here's How Dependent Russia's Economy Is On Oil And Gas". Business Insider. July 2014. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-oil-and-gas-dependence-chart-2014-7

Bobylev, Sergei. "Sustainable Development in Russia".RNEI. 2013. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=sustainable+development+in+russia

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