Respond to each peer initial posting with 3-4 sentences long.
Peer#1 initial Post
The website for the state of Georgia is extremely informative. It provides links to information about the state to include the history of Georgia. It has a link to every state agency, blogs, cities and counties, elected officials and popular topics.
The official website of Georgia is user friendly; it allows the user to type in key words to search for various topics. A user interested in applying for food stamps can search the word and be provided for step by step instructions on how to apply for food stamps in Georgia. They will be informed of requirements and an expected time frame to complete the process. It also provides a link to contact an agent for assistance. This is a great tool as many individuals are not familiar with names of state agencies to know that DFACS would be the appropriate agency to contact. This search allows them to have an issue, type the name of that issue and get assistance.
There is also a call center for the state of Georgia that is 24-hours a day, seven days a week. You may contact them for information, reporting any issues, or to request assistance. If the customer is looking to contact the appropriate agency, they will be provided with contact numbers as well as various social media information. If the customer wishes to anonymously make a complaint they may do so via the call center or will be provided with information directly to the Governor's office.
To obtain information regarding a policy, simple type in a key word and information regarding that policy will be provided by the appropriate agency.
The website has information regarding possible translation of information into 7 languages, and has met requirements for individuals with disabilities.
The website is well organized but does not contain too much information where it becomes cluttered or difficult to locate needed resources. The website may be visible simply by visiting
Peer #2 initial post
For the state of South Carolina, political information generally is only broadcasted from news channels and coordinating websites. News stations in Columbia such as WLTX, WIS, WACH Fox, and ABC Columbia broadcast the same political information, maybe from a different camera angle or put a different spin on the story. From searching through credible and valid resources and from the news websites, I was not able to locate any information on local watch parties for citizens to come together. Also there was no information or records of city hall gatherings targeted at helping to inform the public or answer any questions the citizens may have had on changing political candidates and what could mean for South Carolina. Also with the changes to insurance coverage, Medicare expansion, and refugee asylum, no meetings were gathered to help address the citizens questions or concerns. Even when it comes to voting, such as for the primaries, there still is not a lot of voter participation or citizen participation to let the community be aware of the voting and changes. The precinct that I vote and participated in as a poll-worker, turn out has always been low. I have always heard stories about how other precincts have had lines that were hours long just to vote in the primaries, stating that it was due to faulty or not enough equipment. This was seen a deterrent to those wishing to vote, which accounts for the steady decrease in voter participation at the polls which translates to less voters voicing there opinion on who they want to be elected into these positions. Combined with no publication for voter awareness for city hall gatherings, many community members have not felt as inclined to participate in political exercises. I t will take a large movement of citizens to put into motion a change into how their communities state part in educating the public about the political views and changes with the voter participation.