
Respond to at least one of your colleagues posts and

Respond to at least one of your colleagues' posts and reflect on their data analysis. Explain how clearly you as the reader can see the connections between codes, categories, and themes. In your response, include more examples of your work to compare and contrast your process with your colleagues.

Coding, Categories and Themes

Saldaña (2016) coding is defined as one way of analyzing qualitative data. A code is a concept that is given a name that describes what is being said. Additionally, a code is primarily a word or short phrase that symbolically assigns a summative attribute for a portion of language-based or visual data (Saldaña, 2016). Whereas, categories is a collection of codes that share attributes, meaning and or intent. Furthermore, themes are developed from one or more categories into larger more overarching categories. Moreover, themes are summary statements and or conclusions. They show the relationship between two or more concepts. Analyzing raw data from the data collection methods employed by the researcher. Rubin & Rubin (2012) the core part analyzing data is to recognize, and identify concepts, themes, and then code.

O'Neil (2008) in qualitative research categories are developed to conceptually organize findings related to the phenomenon or the human experience understudy. In coding the transcripts of the two scholar for change videos and the telephone interview conducted with a Walden student a process was employed to facilitate data collection that included coding and categorization in order to identify an emerging theme. Furthermore, the Excel coding spreadsheet was used to code to assist with the organization of the data.

However, during the early analysis, the categories, themes, and examples were noted. The scholar of change video which highlighted Topper (2014) a scholar practitioner in pursuit of a doctoral degree in education, incorporated what she learned to impact positive social change in her local community. The independent research conducted aimed to address nature deficit disorder. Descriptive and In Vivo coding were used and the emerging themes identified centered on sustainability, positive social change, and becoming a change agent. Moreover, the second scholar of change video reviewed Isaac (2014) a Walden University student in pursuit of a doctoral degree in the field of special education. He created an animated show to effect social change by inspiring children with special needs. However, a descriptive, holistic, and In Vivo coding was applied and the emerging themes identified included perspectives and positive social change. Moreover, the telephone conducted with a Walden student in pursuit of a doctoral degree in management with a specialization in information system management shared her desire to make an impact on positive change as a result of her being a student at Walden. She did not think about positive social change in her community beyond her involvement with her church. The coding employed to the telephone transcript was descriptive and In Vivo. However, in retrospect, more themes could have been identified, had the data been richer; specifically with the telephone interview.

Saldaña (2016) qualitative coding symbolically assigns a summative and or salient attribute for a portion of language-based or visual data. Moreover, coding is a critical link between the collection of data and its meaning. The recurring theme identified included being a change agent, different perspectives on how to make an impact on society, and taking care of people and the community. Topper (2014) scholar practitioner in pursuit of a doctoral degree in education psychology observed the limited exposure young children have to nature due to the building of high rises and sedentary lifestyles created by media technology. She collaborated with a colleague to create a sustainable micro-garden for the elementary students in her school. Whereas, Isaac (2014) a Walden University student in pursuit of a doctoral degree in the field of special education created an animated show to effect social change by inspiring children with special needs. According to his research, children with special needs that feel confident perform better academically than those that lack confidence. However, Ravitch & Carl (2016) indicated that there is no correct way to read or analyze data. However, themes emerged and provided a good understanding about the process of making a positive impact on social change.


Given, L. M. (2008). The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Isaac, B. (2014). Christin Topper, EdD student, inspiring children with special needs [Video file].

Ravitch, S. M. & Carl, N. M. (2016). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Saldaña, J. (2016). The coding manual for qualitative researchers (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Topper, C. (2014). Christin Topper, PhD student, bringing the natural world to Hong Kong [Video file].

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