
Respond-the economics and politics of depression



"World War I" Please respond to the following: (Note: Please respond to one of the following two bulleted items in a primary posting of at least 125 words. In addition, please make a substantive comment to one of your classmates.)

Examine three of the major events that led to the outbreak of World War I. Explain the manner in which each of the events you have chosen contributed to starting the War. Provide a rationale for your response.

Explain the fundamental reasons behind the United States entering World War I in Europe. Discuss whether or not you believe these reasons warranted going to war. Provide a rationale for your response.


"The Economics and Politics of Depression" Please respond to the following: (Note: Please make a substantive comment to one of your classmates.)

From the scenario, identify at least two causes of the Great Depression. Discuss whether or not you believe that the federal response to the Depression encouraged economic growth and confidence. Provide a rationale for your response.


"America's Entry into World War II" Please respond to the following:

Examine three of the major events that led to the outbreak of World War II. Explain the manner in which each of the events you have chosen contributed to starting the War. Provide a rationale for your response.

Give at least two reasons why Americans initially wanted to stay out of the conflict that would become World War II. Provide a rationale for your response.


"Capital Leases and Operating Leases" Please respond to the following:

Imagine you are the senior accountant at an organization and management is considering leasing some equipment; however, management is unsure of the impact that a capital lease would have on the company. Briefly describe the manner in which a capital lease would be accounted for by the company both at inception of the lease and during the first year of the lease, assuming that lease transfers ownership of the property to the lessee at the end of the lease.

From the previous bulleted discussion, assume that management now has a clear understanding of capital leases, but has been informed by colleagues that an operating lease may be more beneficial than an operating lease, since the useful life for the equipment is only eight years. Compare and contrast a capital lease and an operating lease, and recommend to management what type of lease would be beneficial since the equipment will become obsolete in eight years. Provide a rationale for your recommendation.

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Other Subject: Respond-the economics and politics of depression
Reference No:- TGS02014607

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