
Respond-employee testing


Q1) Employee Testing" Please respond to the following:

• Among the types of employee testing that companies may require that are discussed in the text, determine the two tests that you consider the most important. Support your reasoning.

• Go to Human Metric's Website

• https://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp

• and take the Jung Typology TestTM (sample of the Myers Briggs personality test). Next, examine your test results. Determine whether you believe this type of personality test is beneficial to an organization. Support your position.

-cognitive ability
-physical ability
-drug tests
-work sample

Tests measure knowledge, skill and ability, as well as other characteristics such as personality. Cognitive ability testing measures learning, understanding, and ability to solve problems. Cognitive ability tests are sometimes referred to as "intelligence" or "mental ability" tests. Some measure ability in a number of specific areas, such as verbal reasoning and quantitative problem solving. Personality testing measures patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. Researchers have identified five broad dimensions of personality: agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, extraversion, and openness to experience. Physical ability testing assesses muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and coordination. These tests are useful for predicting performance in many manual labor positions and in jobs that require physical strength. Physical ability tests can be particularly important in relation to the Americans with Disabilities Act, as organizations can be held liable for discrimination against disabled applicants.

In the past, some employers used polygraph-or lie detector-tests to screen out job applicants who might steal from them. However, the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 generally made it illegal to use polygraph tests for hiring decisions. Since then, organizations have increasingly turned to paper-and-pencil tests for integrity testing. Such tests are designed to assess the likelihood that applicants will be dishonest or engage in illegal activity. There are two types of integrity test: overt and covert. Overt tests ask questions about attitudes toward theft and other illegal activities. Covert tests are more personality-based and seek to predict dishonesty by assessing attitudes and tendencies toward antisocial behaviors such as violence and substance abuse. Drug testing normally requires applicants to provide a urine sample that is tested for illegal substances. You may what to pose the question to the class Why do businesses drug test? Work sample testing, which directly measures performance on some element of the job. Common examples include typing tests, computer-programming tests, driving simulator tests, and electronics repair tests Please go to the next slide

Q2) "Employee Selection" Please respond to the following:

• Compare and contrast the structured interview, situational interview, and behavioral interview. Determine which type of interview would be more beneficial when interviewing applicants. Support your selection.

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HR Management: Respond-employee testing
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