
Resources-assignments and budgets to the wbs

Complete the project plan for the trade show by adding resources, assignments, and budgets to the WBS. The result should be a project plan created using Excel, or PowerPoint

Background: You will start this project ten weeks before the event; the display needs to be shipped ten calendar days before the event begins to ensure adequate time for set-up by the on-site trade show staff. You have adequate budget, which was prepared by the marketing manager based on the costs from the last show.


Related Experience Has been involved with the trade show for the past several years. Is very knowledgeable about the products and has a solid working relationship with the sales staff.
Comments - Likes to update the collaterals, especially the presentation. Is comfortable training the sales staff, but doesn't always cover the material correctly. Will go on vacation four weeks prior to the trade show and will be off for two weeks.


Related Experience Administrative assistant for the marketing department and has been involved in preparations for several trade shows.
Comments Enjoys working on the give-always and presentations. Does not enjoy making travel arrangements and tends to make mistakes there. May be pulled away from this project to support more time-critical activities.

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Other Management: Resources-assignments and budgets to the wbs
Reference No:- TGS01618781

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