"Resources and Capabilities "
- Go to Fortune's Website and read the article titled, "Fortune 500: 20 biggest stock gainers," located at Then, read the article titled, "Fortune 500: 20 biggest stock losers," located at Choose one firm from the top stocks and one firm from the worst stocks. Use the Value, Rarity, Imitability, Organization (VRIO) framework to assess the success or failure of these organizations. If the VRIO framework is not sufficient, speculate on the other major factors that might be responsible for the success or failure for each organization. Provide a rationale for your response.
- Compare and contrast the core resources and capabilities of emerging multinationals from emerging economies against multinationals from developed economies. Suggest two practices that developed multinationals can adopt from emerging multinationals in order to grow or protect their franchises. Provide a rationale for your answer.