
Resource priority matrix

Prepare an IT-related project proposal for approval. The submitted proposal should reflect one of the IT-related specializations (DSS, ISA, or IT general), and be of sufficient scope to achieve the requirements as stated for the final project (i.e., 10-12 pages) as well as to span six weeks. Included in the proposal should be a statement of purpose or need, an overview of the proposed project, key milestones, a high-level budgetary estimate, benefits, return-on-investment (ROI) calculation, end state, and key stakeholders.Note that the proposal may reflect a real project, as assigned within your place of employment or elsewhere (non-profit organization), a textbook-based case study (selected from prior MSIT courses, or other sources), or a hypothetical project, at the student's discretion.

Minimum parameters for project scope are:
? Reflect one of the IT-related specializations (DSS, ISA, IT general)
? Key Milestones with supporting tasks (5 first-level tasks / 20 second-level tasks / 10 third-level tasks) in MS Project.$250,000 budget (hardware, software, labor, etc.)
? 5-weeks in duration
? Five Key Stakeholders

Produce an IT project plan. The submitted plan should be of sufficient detail to successfully execute the proposed project from above. Included in the plan should be an overview of the proposed project (per the project proposal), the development of a WBS including tasks, durations, dependencies, predecessors, milestones, and resources (in MS Project format), the identification of the critical path (with associated network/AOA diagram), a risk management plan, and a communications plan.

Other key components to be completed are:
In Scope
Out of Scope
Assumptions and Constraints
Critical Success Factors
Communication Flow Chart
Roles and Responsibilities Matrix
Resource Priority Matrix
Stakeholders Matrix 

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Basic Computer Science: Resource priority matrix
Reference No:- TGS090868

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