

classic example of natural selection is the change in relative populations of thepeppered moth that occurred during the industrial revolution in England. After theindustrial revolution in 1870s, booming industrial cities started releasing tons of black
soot, blackening tree trunks and rocks and creating an environment where moths withlight colours were easily predated by birds. Peppered moths captured in 1850 and 1900reveal that two industrial cities (XandY) had the following percent distributions.Year1850 and 1900
Moths Light coloured Dark coloured Light coloured Dark coloured
X 66 34 22 78
Y 65 35 27 73
Pollution control rules were introduced in 1902 and were properly followed in city Y, butnot in city X. If all other factors remain constant, then what could be the approximate
expected distribution of light and dark coloured moths in 1950?

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