Think of an original presenting problem (do not use depression) and evaluate it from the perspective of one of the theories we studied. Write the paper in the third person and in a formal style (“Mr. Smith has experienced panic attacks that have increased in severity over the past five years” rather than “I’ve been having some panic attacks lately.”)
Evaluate the presenting problem from your chosen theoretical orientation. Be sure to provide evidence from the person’s life that justifies the conceptualization. Also, consider ways in which the conceptualization might not be accurate. For example, what evidence is lacking or is contradictory? How might a counselor working from this theoretical orientation be helpful or not helpful?
Next, provide a basic treatment plan for resolving the problem from this theoretical orientation. When you plot the treatment plan, consider the reasons why each intervention, strategy, or technique might be helpful. Describe when and how you would employ each technique or strategy. Include a mini mental status exam as an appendix.
Use headings for the different sections. Remember to write in the third person rather than first person. At a minimum here’s what should be in the paper:
Presenting Problem – the issue that is bringing the person to counseling
Client Demographics – age, gender, race, educational level, family relationships
Theoretical Approach You Will Use – which approach and why? how does this theory address presenting problem?
Counseling Goals –
Interventions Used to help reach goals – describe the technique(s) or intervention(s) and how they will help address goals and presenting problems. Think about when techniques will be used in therapy.
Successful Resolution – How will you know when counseling has been successful?
LIST as many references as USED, no specific amount required