
Resolving problem of reducing plastic waste

Assignment Task:

Help with writing 3 page single spaces on solving a problem. The problem is reducing plastic waste. Need to use the following concepts that I choose from each of my chapters in the assignment to explain how to solve the problem.

Chapter 1 - Creative Thinking as a Problem-Solving Tool - Reapplication: Reapplication is the method of taking an existing item or idea and applying it to something else. How does this help solve the problem

Chapter 2 - The Creative-Thinking Outlook - The behaviors that strengthen creativity: perseverance, the ability to suspend judgment and criticism, and mental playfulness. How does this help solve the problem?

Chapter 3 - Identifying Problems - Causation:

  • Sufficient cause. A sufficient cause is an agent that by itself can produce a given effect.
  • Necessary cause. A necessary cause is an agent that must be present for an effect to occur, but which by itself cannot produce the effect.
  • Contributory cause. A contributory cause is an agent that helps to bring about a given effect but which by itself is neither sufficient nor necessary.
  • Proximate cause. The proximate cause is the agent or event occurring immediately before the effect. In many cases, however, the proximate cause is itself the effect of a previous cause.

Need To Decide Which Cause It Is!

Chapter 4 - Exploring the Problem - Assumptions: - Assumptions are shortcuts that enable us to make decisions and solve problems more efficiently. As such, many of them provide necessary benefits.

Assumptions set limits. Time, money, effort and other resources are limited. Reasonable constraints circumscribe every problem because no person or organization has unlimited time, money, personnel, or technology.

Assumptions reflect desired values. For example, when thinking about more effective punishments as deterrents for crime, we assume that the punishments will remain humane.

Assumptions help simplify the problem. Assuming certain boundaries and methods of proceeding makes the problem more manageable because there are fewer variables to consider.

Chapter 5 - Establishing Goals - Ideal goals: Taking time to consider ideal goals, rather than remaining focused on an immediate quick fix, will improve the quality of the solution.

Chapter 6 - Generating Ideas - Direct transfer: research the problem to discover whether it has existed in the past, and if so, how it was handled by others.

Chapter 7 - Choosing the Solution - Reducing it: a strategy of reduction can be highly effective. Almost any problem can be made less troublesome by reducing its size.

Chapter 8 - Implementing the Solution - Work to create acceptance: new solutions often require new thinking to accompany them if the solutions are to be effectively implemented. The current situation is a known, while change involves the unknown and is therefore frightening for some people.

Chapter 9 - Evaluating the Solution - Any adjustments: Evaluation may reveal that a chosen solution works partially but by itself cannot solve the problem. In this event, adding another solution activity to the solution path will often prove helpful.

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