Assignment task:
Become aware of God's presence. Thank Him for His provision and those moments and experiences had throughout this course that you are most grateful for.
Reflect back over the time spent in your community, or exploring the organizational case studies, with intention. What specific encounters or activities did you find rewarding and also challenging? In what ways did you experience God's presence?
1. Consider your response. How did you feel, what did you think, and how did you react during these experiences?
2. Contemplate areas where growth is needed. What do you need to learn from this experience? Pray for God's guidance, and also forgiveness if needed.
3. Resolve to follow God's direction as you pray for your community. Pray over the members of your community that you will one day encounter in your personal and professional life and commit those to God.
4. If you do not hold a Christian worldview, you are welcome to create your own version of the Prayer of Examen that aligns with your belief system. In your written assignment, please outline the prompts as you have revised them with your responses.