
Resistance to technology in hospitals

Many hospitals are used to paper charting but now everything is entered into the computer system. There is no hand paper labor anymore. Many physicians are resistant to the change because they do not understand the change or just do not want to grasp the new change.

My individual change project: Resistance to technology in hospitals. Most hospitals are used to manual paper charts but now they are switching over to technology. Everything is entered into a system instead of writing.

As you know from the feedback you have received on your team cases, you need to have your references and citations in APA format and I keep emphasizing the need to have section subtitles. The best way to make this work - and what I would suggest - is to use the key topic of each question you have to answer as a section subtitle. In this way you can make certain you have addressed every question (go back and look at the lists for each case to be sure before you submit the paper) and you keep your paper organized in the process. Do not use the question itself as the subtitle; instead, pick the key point from it and use that as your title. It would look very strange to use the question itself as a subtitle in an academic paper; you want to group your information by the topic you are discussing. Another way to get an idea of how to structure or sequence your topics is to go look at the articles that you read for this class - the academic articles, such as the Armenakis et al article - this is correct academic style, you can learn a lot about how to organize your information to make it understandable, readable and comprehensible. You want to include an introduction and you want to include a summary or a conclusion, you don't need both. Think about what we have discussed in class - what we have talked about every week relates in some way to change.
Must have need for diagnostic models and implementation models

The final case is an individual project. You will identify a problem that requires a change initiative through an organization with which you are associated. You will develop the case by clearly explaining the problem and by answering all questions that were asked about the first two cases as well as the following questions:

Questions that must be addressed in paper:

1. What is the fundamental problem that triggered an awareness of need for change?

2. What are the external forces that are driving change in this case?

3. Why are the external forces so important to these organizations?

4. What are the internal forces that are driving change for the organizations in this case?

5. Are you recommending first-order or second-order change?

6. Why is your personality germane to your responses?

7. Specifically, what changes do you recommend?

8. Why did you choose those changes?

9. What are the expected outcomes?

10. What else might Mark have done to address the problem?

Additional Questions:

A) What is the fundamental problem that triggered an awareness of need for change?

B) What are the external forces that are driving change in this case?

C) Why are the external forces so important to these organizations?

D) What are the internal forces that are driving change for the organizations in this case?

E) Are you recommending first-order or second-order change?

F) Which model(s) are you using to anaylyze the case and direct your remediation efforts? Why is that case applicable to this case?

G) Why is your personality germane to your responses?

H) Specifically, what changes do you recommend?

I) Why did you choose those changes?

J) What are the expected outcomes?

K) Why is change important?

L) What are the implications of refusing to change?

M) What is your plan for addressing resistance to change?

N) What are the ethical implications of change?

O) What are the lessons that you want learned from your story?

P) What image of change management are you using and why?

Q) What is your implementation plan to effect change? Be specific by giving dates, timelines, accountable parties, champions, and anything else that will help your plan be completed as you intend for it to be completed. Spell you plan out with steps and graphics if necessary. Do NOT give a generic description of what you wish will happen.

R) Define "Organizational Vision".

S) Articulate why some visions are more effective than others.

T) Link change initiatives to organization vision.

U) Identify key elements in the communication process.

V) Adapt change language to ensure that is coherent and aligned with desired changes.

W) Identify a range of actions that can assist in sustaining change.

X) What is your communication plan for this change initiative? Be very specific about how this will be handled.

Y) How will you evaluate your plan? That is, how will you know that your initiative is successful?

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Other Subject: Resistance to technology in hospitals
Reference No:- TGS0672758

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