
Residential real estate market analysis

Residential Real Estate Market Analysis: Park Slope, Brooklyn

Order Description:

Each student will work on a market analysis project for the proposed residential development in Brooklyn, New York. Your job will be to analyze whether a property ought to be built given the current real estate environment, taking into account short-term and long-term economic indicators for the market study area – national, regional, state and local. Your project should also include an analysis of the national, regional, state and local real estate market conditions. You must consider and analyze all aspects of the real estate market including, but not limited to, price-per-foot rental rates, price-per-foot sales rates (by type and unit size), types of properties in the market, recent and future development projects. In short, when you are finished with this project you will be an expert on the market and be able to definatively prove the viability of a new residential project.

The project represents 45% of your grade and should be treated as such. The project paper represents 35% of the grade. There is no limitation on page count but it is expected that each paper will be at least 30 pages in length. This is a RESEARCH PAPER. A bibliography is required. Footnotes oe End Notes are required.

On the second to last day of class you will present your project to the entire class. Project Presentations are limited to 7 minutes each. Powerpoint slides should be submitted to me on the Sunday before they are due for the class to review during your presentation.

This is a graduate level class and the projects are limited to Brooklyn so that you can take full advantage of doing a neighborhood-specific analysis of your project. The presentations should include – market analysis, market feasibility, highest and best use analysis, neighborhood visits, photographs, pedestrian counts, competitive property analysis, etc.

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Other Subject: Residential real estate market analysis
Reference No:- TGS01434508

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