
Researching the purchase of a new automobile


When doing research it is quite likely that in addition to using library databases you will be searching the web. As you conduct your research on the web and review websites as potential sources for your paper, it is crucial that you determine whether the website has a specific agenda or bias. If you unknowingly base your paper on biased information from a website it does not reflect well on your judgment as a researcher.

Sometimes students find the term "bias" in sources to be confusing. If so, think of it in terms of a situation where you are researching the purchase of a new automobile. The website for the manufacturer of the automobile would most likely provide information that is biased, i.e. it will provide information that presents only the good aspects of the car. If you wanted to find information that is more objective and unbiased you will most likely find it at a website such as Consumer Union, publisher of Consumer Reports.

Other types of websites that may contain biased information are those of political organizations and trade industry associations. Trade industry associations are member organizations comprised of individuals and companies engaged in a particular industry such as the American Banking Association or the American Wind Energy Association. The websites of these organizations can be very useful sources for research, especially industry statistics, but you need to be careful with information at these sites because these organizations present information that is usually biased to some extent and is intended to persuade you to their point of view.

For assignment, you are asked to review the websites of four organizations that could be potential sources of information for a research paper. For each of the four websites listed above, please answer the following questions in two paragraphs and number each paragraph. Here is the format you should use:

Website name

In your own words, describe the organization. Who are they? Do they have a mission statement? Does the website say anything about their membership?

In your opinion do you think the information at the website is biased? (This requires a Yes or No answer). 3-5 sentences: If you think the website provides biased information please explain why and provide an example. If you think the information at the website is bias-free then please explain why.

Continue with format for the remaining 3 websites.

Here are the four websites for you to review:

American Petroleum Institute

Democratic Socialists of America

Eagle Forum

National Restaurant Association

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Other Management: Researching the purchase of a new automobile
Reference No:- TGS02012685

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