Assess the strengths and weaknesses of three theoretical concepts of your choice for researching the geographies of transnational mobilities.
Please find below a list of theoretical concepts discussed in the five Part A lectures in relation to case studies. These concepts are marked by bullet points. The three concepts assessed in your coursework essay need to be taken from at least two lectures.
You can make reference to more concepts if sensible but the focus should be on a rigorous comparison of three different conceptual perspectives on transnational mobilities.
Lecture 1:
Mobile spaces:
- Zelinsky’s hypothesis of the mobility transition
- Transnationalism (discussed in case studies throughout the other lectures)
- Urry’s mobilities paradigm
Lecture 2:
Social spaces:
- Bourdieu’s forms of capital
- Leung’s geographical mobility capital
Lecture 3:
Material spaces:
- Actor-network theory
- Jöns’ complex trinity of actants
- Latour’s circulating reference
- Jöns’ 3D-matrix on spatial relations of knowledge production)
Lecture 4:
Discursive spaces:
- Orientalism
- Eurocentrism
- Cosmopolitanism
Lecture 5:
Social spaces II:
- Butler’s performative gender identities
- Feminist and gender-sensitive approaches