
Researchers biographybackground- under this heading you

Understanding a Constructivist

Prior to beginning this assignment, please review all the required readings, videos, and any relevant Instructor Guidance. It is suggested that you review the recommended resources for this week as a number of them may assist you in creating this written assignment.

You have been introduced to behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. To further expand your knowledge and understanding of constructivism and its theoretical components, you will research and write about one of the prominent constructivists listed below based on the first letter of your last name. Please look over the list to find the constructivist who corresponds with the first letter of your last name:

Last name begins with U-V: Humberto Maturana (1928-)

Create the following headings and subheadings in your paper to indicate the organization of your information.

Researcher's Biography/Background- Under this heading you will provide the important historical perspectives of your subject's life and work and how these influenced his/her work in this field. Information on the subject's personal and professional background should be logically presented.

Researcher's Theoretical Perspectives- Under this heading you will describe the theoretical perspectives and other major concepts pioneered or promoted by your subject.

Experiments and Findings- Under this subheading you will provide a thorough summary of at least two empirical research projects your subject performed including the empirical findings of the research.

Historical Trends- Under this subheading you will provide information on the trends which lead to your subject's line of research.

Notable Characteristics- Under this subheading you will provide information about the cognitivist and his/her line of research and how it exemplifies the cognitivist constructs.

Apply basic research methods in psychology to your paper by accessing the Ashford University Library and researching at least three appropriate peer-reviewed articles. Be sure to use these sources to support your statements within the paper. Cite your sources according to APA style, but do not directly quote them within your paper.

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Other Subject: Researchers biographybackground- under this heading you
Reference No:- TGS01118120

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