
Research workers compensation rules regulations and

Blog activity:

Safety professionals that manage or are involved in workers' compensation program management must have a thorough understanding of workers' compensation rules, regulations, and procedures associated with the state's workers' compensation system. Further, they must contribute to controlling workers' compensation costs through injury and illness prevention and control programs that enhance return to work and mitigate costs. To enhance your knowledge and to bolster learning for all students on this topic, you must complete the course blog activity. 

Each student is required to post an entry into the course blog, which addresses the following:

  1. Research workers' compensation rules, regulations, and procedures associated with Oklahoma.  
  2. In your post, comment on which state (or applicable residential area) you are researching.
  3. Within your post, comment on the name of the agency, commission, board, etc. that administers and establishes policy, rules, regulations, etc. for workers' compensation within Oklahoma and comment on the type of system for the state (e.g. monopolistic, competitive, etc.).
  4. Provide a quick overview with regard to where and how state (or applicable area) workers' compensation laws, rules, regulations, and statutes can be accessed and provide an applicable URL where students could access this information.
  5. Provide a discussion whether or not discounts for programs, such as safety rules, drug-free workplace, etc. are offered or administered by the managing agency, commission, or board.
  6. Discuss how safety professionals can help control workers' compensation costs.

Be sure to include citations for cited work and include a reference list. Citations and references should be in APA format. Your blog post should illustrate that you thoroughly researched the administering agency, commission, or board for your state (or local area), have an understanding of how you can access and apply to information that you researched, and should illustrate that you have an understanding as to how safety professionals can help control workers' compensation costs.

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Business Management: Research workers compensation rules regulations and
Reference No:- TGS02179965

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