research toolsquestionnaire and interviews are


Questionnaire and interviews are probably the most  frequently used  data collection methods  in  rlursing research. Observation  is also an  important method of  testing research  hypothesis and seeking answers  to  research questions.  In  addition, various physiology and psychological measures  are used by  nurse  researcher. One of  the  sources of data  is  subject himseif  or herself  when the data collection  procedure requires self-reporting through some form of questioning either a questionilaire  or an  interview  schedule can be used  for the same.


Questionnaire  is  a paper  and pencil. self  reporting  instrument can be used to measure  knowledge levels, opinions, attitudes, beliefs,  ideas, feelings  and perceptions,  as well  as gather factual  information  about the  respondents. Questionnaire  is the most common  research  instrument and  is comprised a series of questions  that  are answered by  all the participants in  a  sanlple. 

Interview Schedule: Interview schedule,  in  a sense  is  an oral  questionnaire. Here researcher (interviewer) orally  asks questions  to  the participant  (or interviewee)  in  the  study, either  in face  to  face meeting  or over the telephone/ video recording. Interviewing  is  the one questioning technique  in which  the researcher has  an ability to  control  the level  of questioning. Interview  Schedule  is  a questionnaire that  is  read  to  the respondents by  the researcher (interviewer whereas  an  interview guide provides  ideas but  allows the interviewer  fieedom to  pursue topics  in  depth.)  

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Management Theories: research toolsquestionnaire and interviews are
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