
Research to the analysis and development of a network design

You will choose an organization, and apply your research to the analysis and development of a network design which would be suitable for the organization and the needs that it has for its network. Additional information and the deliverables for each Individual Project will be given in the assignment explanation for the project. This is the course's Key Assignment which you will make contributions to each week.

Project Selection:

The initial step will be to choose an organization as the target for your network design and architecture proposal document. This organization will be employed as the basis for each of the assignments all through the course and must conform to the given guidelines:

• Nontrivial: The selected organization must be big enough to permit reasonable exercise of the network design process.

• Domain Knowledge: You must be familiar adequate with the organization to permit for focus on the project's tasks devoid of the significant time required for domain education.

• Accessibility: You must have good access to the people and other information associated to the organization because this will be a significant part of the process.

The selected organization might already have a distributed network in place; however it can still be employed as the basis for the projects in this course.

The selected organization should have a need for some type of distributed network computing as part of their operations. Thus, you might identify a hypothetical organization which meets such requirements. Any essential assumptions might be made to fulfill the needs of organization selection process.

Choose an existing organization, or recognize a hypothetical organization which fits these requirements


For the assignments in this course, you will not be implementing a distributed network; however you will be developing a comprehensive network design and architecture proposal document. Your very first task in this process will be to select an organization or recognize a hypothetical organization to use as the basis of your project. You will as well create the shell document for the final project deliverable which you will be working on during each unit. As you proceed via each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project deliverable. Proper research must be conducted to support the development of your proposal document, and assumptions might be made when necessary.

The project deliverables are as shown below:

A) Submit the network design and architecture proposal document shell

i) Use Word

ii) Title page

•    Course number and name
•    Project name
•    Student name
•    Date

iii) Table of contents

•    Use auto generated TOC
•    Separate page
•    Maximum of 3 levels deep
•    Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date before submitting your project.

iv) Section headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content except for sections listed under new content below)

•    Project Outline
•    Distributed Network Requirements Analysis
•    Communication Protocols Analysis and Recommendations
•    Network Traffic Analysis and Recommendations
•    Network Design and Architecture
•    Future Needs Analysis and Recommendations


Project outline and requirements

A) Brief explanation of the organization (can be hypothetical) where the network will be implemented
B) Comprise company size, location(s), and other pertinent information.
C) Summary of the advantages that the company would realize via distributed networking.
D) Material can be taken from the approved proposal which was submitted to the instructor.
E) Make sure that this project is approved by the instructor.

Distributed network requirements analysis:

A) Explain at least 5 major areas of functionality required by the organization which can be provided via distributed networking.
B) For each area of functionality, comprise information to identify capacity and performance requirements.
C) Recognize connectivity and security needs for the proposed network.
D) Comprise any other needs which will affect your design and architecture, like the use of existing network infrastructure, budget limitations, existing applications and operating systems, and so forth.


The Communication Protocols Analysis and Recommendations section must comprise the following:


A) For each of the requirements recognized in the Requirements Analysis section of the previously created proposal, list and explain the communication protocol(s) that are essential to support the requirement.
B) Include a explanation of which parts of the network and network applications would utilize the protocol(s).


A) Based on the analysis which was performed in the previous step, prepare a recommendation for protocol(s) to use with the network.
B) Justify the selection of such protocol(s) by using a explanation of the operational characteristics which best match the analysis results.

Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.


Update the network design and architecture proposal document title page with new date and project name.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor feedback.

Network Traffic Analysis and Recommendations section:


A) Summarize each of the main uses of the distributed network.
B) For each use, recognize the traffic estimates.
C) Include an analysis of peak traffic times and levels.
D) Identify any other issues which will produce congestion on the network.


A) Based on the analysis which you performed in the previous step, prepare a recommendation of the software and infrastructure which would be needed to handle the projected traffic.
B) Offer recommendations for software which can be used to manage potential network congestion, and explain how the software works.

Update your table of contents before submission.


Update the network design and architecture proposal document's title page with new date and project name.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor feedback.

The Network Design and Architecture section should comprise the following:


A) Explain the network architecture which is suitable for this distributed network.
B) Include at least 1 visual model of the system that identifies the main components.
C) Justify the physical design of the system with reference to the requirements established in previous part of the proposal.
D) Summarize the estimated cost of the network infrastructure.


A) Explain the software needed for the network.
B) Include the operating systems and other software applications which are needed to meet the functional and operational requirements established in previous parts of the proposal.
C) Summarize the estimated cost of the network software.


Update the network design and architecture proposal title page with new date and project name.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor feedback.

The Future Needs Analysis and Recommendations section must comprise the following:

A) Research current and future trends in the distributed networking.
B) Summarize at least three potential modifications in distributed networking which might affect your company.
C) Give a modified design and architecture, and discuss the changes from the original design proposal which would be needed to support the new requirements.

Network design and architecture proposal:

A) Review the whole document for any changes and enhancements you would like to make.

B) Make sure this final version of the plan is adequately detailed to permit the organization to confidently move forward with a distributed network implementation which is based on your recommendations.

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Computer Networking: Research to the analysis and development of a network design
Reference No:- TGS0772

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