a) Research three professional groups or community organizations related to global issues that you would be interested in joining. Try to find something that has a local chapter or one that you can easily be involved in online.Provide the following information for each of the three groups or organizations:
Organization Name
Location (address)
List of initiatives
Meeting dates & times
Membership fees
In a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs per organization) summarize each organization, explain how it's related to global studies, and why you would want to join. Tell me what your role would be and what you would have to offer to this organization.
b) Research three companies that regularly conduct international business and are located in the state of Indiana. Provide the following information for each of the three companies:-
Name, address, phone, website of company
Identify the industry and type of business conducted (i.e. For Eli Lilly it would be the health care industry and they create pharmaceutical drugs)
Give a brief history of the company (1 paragraph) when the company started, when it went global (or was it born global?), what major countries they do business with and how many locations worldwide they have.