Research the topic Robotics in Health Care that is relevant to the forces (political, economical, technical, cultural, social, or ethical) affecting the delivery of quality health.The paper will include a title, abstract, and reference page (which will not be included in final page count). The paper should address the following areas: [30 points possible] Brief background or history of this issue (historical perspective / what prompted need for action) •[150 points possible / 50 points possible for each environment addressed] Present and analyze the issue or problem to address and describe how is impacts health care delivery in the following environment (s): (students must pick only 3): o Political o Economical o Technical o Cultural o Social o Ethical • At a minimum, each selected environment of examination should detail (with supporting reference citations in the body of the paper) impacts on health care, from the selected environment's perspective, with regard to: oImpact on relevant stakeholders oImpact on quality and efficiency of Health Care Delivery • [20 point possible] Conclusion/Summary