
Research the life of harper lee

Possible Research Topics:

How and why do an author's experiences influence and inspire their work? Research the life of Harper Lee and how it influenced and inspired To Kill a Mockingbird. What similarities exist between Lee's life and childhood, and that of Scout in the novel? Start by reading a biography of Harper Lee.

What is the relationship between history and the literature that explores it? Consider specifically the trials of the Scottsboro Boys. What are the similarities between that trial and the one of Tom Robinson in the novel? Begin by reading about the Scotsboro Boys Trials.

Is To Kill a Mockingbird a timeless classic? Explore the issue of race in the novel. How is the issue of race significant to the time in which Lee was writing and the time period of the novel? Explore the Civil Rights Movement specifically; start by reading Growing Up White in the South in the 1930s, and The Voices of Civil Rights. Is To Kill a Mockingbird and the issues that it explores relevant today? Why or why not?
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English: Research the life of harper lee
Reference No:- TGS056613

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