Read the book Night by Elie Weisel.
1. Research the life of Elie Weisel. Why do you think he wrote this book? (1 to 2 paragraphs)
2. The following questions should be answered in approximately 2 to 4 ( typed) pages.
A. How did you feel during and after the reading of this book? (Describe your reactions, feelings, emotions to the events.)
B. Describe the events that most strongly affected you. Why did they cause this reaction?
3. How did the young boy change? Be specific. Describe the events that you thought changed him. Why do you think they changed him? (Answer these questions in approximately 2 pages.)
4. Do you think you would have survived? Why or why not? (1 to 2 paragraphs)
All work must be typed. Check your spelling, punctuation, sentence structure. Content and mechanics both count.