
Research the journal of educational psychology


The goal of research

Unless your study explicitly builds on the research of other researchers in your area of inquiry, it is very unlikely to contribute to research knowledge. Joel Levin and Hermione Marshal emphasized (this point) in commenting on their experience as editors of the Journal of Educational Psychology the following:

"For research to make a substantial contribution, it must be based on adequate knowledge of the field, and the study's introduction must reflect this knowledge. . . . Unfortunately, we sometimes receive manuscripts from investigators who base their research on early work that is now dated or from researchers who ignore current work. Reviewers may then be left questioning why the study was conducted, which usually leads to a recommendation of rejection."

Q. What is your opinion of this statement? What is meant by this? Do you agree or disagree? Why? In your response to the discussion, provide your personal view point as well as your research on the given questions.

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Other Subject: Research the journal of educational psychology
Reference No:- TGS01923599

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