Part 1: Interactive Tools
Interactive tools are used to support individuals by teaching, directing, or guiding them in their work. Your task for this week is to create an interactive tool, such as a job aid to help employees in the workplace. You can choose any topic for creating a job aid document, such as a tutorial for a new computer application.
Research the Internet to find examples of different job aids, and create a three to five page job aid document in Microsoft Word that includes the following:
Introduction to the tool that describes its goal
User audience's profile
Different features of Microsoft Word to create an interactive user experience
Part 2: Proposal
After selecting the Web interface and analyzing the flaws, your task for this week is to provide a detailed plan for the creation of the new, improved Web interface. In this assignment, you will identify the 3 most critical vulnerabilities. You will then create a plan for a new Web interface addressing those vulnerabilities. The Proposal will contain:
Estimated completion time for each task
Deliverables for each task