Research the fingerprint process in your state. This may actually be a state statute. The Human Resource Department of your local school district or local Police Department can also help you with this.
Identify the following:
1. Offenses that would preclude a teacher candidate from receiving fingerprint clearance
2. Tiers or classes for fingerprint approval based on prior convictions which may exist in your state
3. Appeals process if a candidate is denied
4. Timelines for the fingerprint process
5. Fees: who pays, the candidate or the school district
6. Anything else you might find
Prepare a fingerprint T-chart of your findings. If you are unsure what a T-chart is, google the word T-chart and you should find an example. It is a chart in the shape of the capital letter TÂ?. You may use a question/answer format or any other format that you think will describe the information in a T.