
Research the eeoc studys findings 3 page paper explaining

Question: Read the following article: No Evidence That Training Prevents Harassment, Finds EEOC Task Force (by Christina Folz)

Research the EEOC study's findings. 3 page paper explaining what they found (both what worked and what did not), and then give specific suggestions on what HR departments should be doing in terms of training or interventions to improve the effectiveness of diversity training. I don't want to see "Create a culture of kindness" from the article, but more specific on creating a culture that [does x, y,z] and how you would begin to do this.

You need to have at least 5 references outside of your book and slides. Academic journal articles are preferred over magazine and newspaper articles. You must use proper APA citation.

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HR Management: Research the eeoc studys findings 3 page paper explaining
Reference No:- TGS02664920

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