
Research the different performance measurement tools


Part 1

Job Description

Resource: An online search for effective job descriptions

Select a public agency at the state or local level such as the IRS, DMV, or Police, and identify a significant leadership role.

Analyze the key decisions that this agency needs to make on a daily basis, and the potential resource constraints that impact their service to the public.

Develop a job description for the leadership role you identified as if you are responsible for filling this position.

Include required skills and abilities that will enable this individual to successfully lead the organization in the fulfillment of its mission and objectives.

Write a 350- to 700-word professional email to the Human Resources department defending your need to add this key position to the budget.

Include how the benefits of this position will offset the personnel costs involved.

Part 2

Performance Measurement Recommendation

Research the different performance measurement tools used by public sector organizations in the United States.

Select a specific performance measurement tool and a local government program in your community.

Prepare a 350- to 700-word recommendation to your local city council or county board detailing the benefits of using this tool to measure program performance, including the identification of some performance measures.

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Management Information Sys: Research the different performance measurement tools
Reference No:- TGS02065570

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