
Research the development of computer interfaces and create

Q1) Research the development of computer interfaces and create a timeline illustrating major innovations and developments. Begin with punch card interfaces, and extend your timeline to include emerging technologies. If possible, review an article on possible future interface technologies and project your timeline into the (possible) future. Present your timeline as an illustrated article or power point presentation.

Q2) Research HCI online, and select a developer or researcher to profile. The individual you choose may be known for earlier significant contributions or may be currently engaged in developing new technologies. Provide an overview of the individual's notable work, major accomplishments, etc., including references. Use American Psychological Society (APA) style to list and cite sources. Help is available in the Resources block on the upper right of the course home page. Provide live links to all sources you list.

Q3) Many, perhaps most, regular users of computer technology have to some extent a "love- hate" relationship with the machines. (This writer, although a confirmed technophile, is often moved to want to throw the computer out the window when an installation program does not work properly or when peripherals quit working for no apparent reason-particularly those involved in maintaining my online connectivity).

Many examples in popular culture illustrate the theme of human versus technology. These may be apocalyptic visions of the machine taking over (e.g., Terminator, I Robot, Wall-E), humorous material such as Dave Barry in Cyberspace, or YouTube videos such as "Animator vs. animation" or "Blowing up my computer." (You are encouraged to find your own examples.)

Explore the general topic of human versus computer, and choose an example to describe and analyze. Briefly describe the content, citing the appropriate online sources for more information on your subject. Answer the following questions:

- What specific threat or negative quality of computer technology does your example involve?

- Are the technologies described current or are they presented as possible future developments?

- How credible a possibility is it that the events described could occur?

- Describe ways in which your own relationship with computer technology has been adversarial in nature.

- What are the specific aspects of computer technology that you feel people are most frustrated, threatened, or otherwise harmed by?

Use APA style to list and cite sources. Provide live links to all sources you list.

Q4) Select a subject from those listed below and research it online, looking specifically for multimedia content (images and video). Develop a short (10-20 slides) presentation using either PowerPoint to introduce and explain the concept. Your discussion should focus on specific technologies used, as well as applications and development challenges, and should identify specific companies, institutions, individuals, or products.

Examples of suitable subjects include, but are not be limited to:

-Perceptual User Interfaces
-Computer Vision Based Interface
-Motion Sensing in HCI
-Surface Computing
-Non-Invasive Feedback
-Hands-Free Interfaces

Q5) If you could envision any possibility, what would the "ultimate" HCI be?

Computers that could read our minds? Hmmm . . . maybe not, but certainly we are heading in the direction of computers and computing devices doing much more thinking for themselves, so to speak.

Describe how you imagine people could most efficiently control personal computers or robots with high levels of autonomy. Can you conceive of a system with no potential drawbacks? If not, what limitations do you think are insurmountable? What, if any, boundaries do you feel we need to establish in terms of creating artificial life?

Write an article of 300 words describing a future system and examining the implications and applications of that system. You may also cite examples from popular entertainment or literature to describe ethical or other concerns and issues with current or possible future technologies.
Use APA style to list and cite sources. Provide live links to all sources you list.

Q6) There are a great many health and safety issues, as well as issues affecting productivity and worker comfort related to the use of computing devices and their interfaces. One commonly mentioned example is carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive strain injury related to improper typing position and keyboard design. There are many others, including some which are only now being identified. One such would be a condition referred to as email apnea. Try googling this term if you are not familiar with it.

Perform a general search on the phrase "ergonomic issues of human-computer interaction" or a similar phrase in order to identify a range of relevant subjects. Then choose one for a more detailed exploration. Describe the chosen issue in detail, including causes, effects, and possible solutions. Present your findings as a Word article (300 words) or PowerPoint (10-20 slides) presentation, with references.

Use APA style to list and cite sources. Provide live links to all sources you list.

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Basic Computer Science: Research the development of computer interfaces and create
Reference No:- TGS02291853

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