
Research the criminal justice



• Pick any topic in criminal justice that you would like to research.

• You may select any topic In criminal Justice. In your submission you should include the topic of interest followed a short paragraph explaining why you and the topic interesting, why It Is Important In criminal Justice and why you think it should be studies.

Should Include a purpose statement:

• The purpose of this study is to investlgate/determine/establish a relationship between ......

• The purpose of this study Is to determine If the legalization of Marijuana is in the best interest of New York State


• Develop 4 Questions you might investigate about the topic you selected. While the questions can be related to each other they should reflect 4 separate research questions.

• Relevant: it is an issue covered by the research

• Manageable: it is within the scope - not too broad / not too narrow

• Clear and simple: it is measurable or investigable-you can investigate it

Interesting : readers are interested in the research

Legitimate: it is a question ..... AND

Answerable. You can Provide an answer to the research question

This shows * that (suggests/implies /points to ..)

• Domestic Violence suggests that violence is learned in child growing up.

• This is important / significate because ..

• This is worth noting as / because it ...

This calls attention to ...

This can be illustrated by ....


• You should do a general Internet search related to the 4 questions selected in step 2. (RESEARCH QUESTIONS)

• Develop an outline of the Information you find. It should be 3 to 4 pages long with proper references describing the Information you found In your general online search. This step Involved a typical google/yahoo search


• You should located 4 reviewed journal articles that attempt to answer the questions selected in step 2. ( RESEARCH QUESTIONS)


• Based on your research question each group should develop 6 research hypothesis.

• Identify what the variable of interest are and define each of these variables.

• A hypothesis is an educated prediction that provides an explanation for an observed event.

• An observed event is a measurable result or condition.

• if (change to independent variable), then let feet on dependent variable), because (your reason why)

• Ex. if the global temperature rises, then the polar ice caps Will melt because higher temperatures will melt more ice.

Use an if, then, because statement EVERYTIME!

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Business Law and Ethics: Research the criminal justice
Reference No:- TGS03154475

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