
Research the coronary microvascular dysfunction


Research topic:

CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) and CMD (Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction) Dominance in Heart Failure.

In this six to eight-page research paper, you will explore in detail one or more of the epidemiology research study methods to research on epidemiology or biostatistics problems or do review or comparison study on a minimum of 5 research articles. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of your chosen topic as well as gain experience in translating these ideas into practice. Select a topic for your research paper using any of the statistical or epidemiological methods that we discussed in the course as it relates to your area of interest in public health science, biology or medicine.

Find at least five relevant research articles which:

  • Support your chosen topic.
  • Discuss previous work on modeling/analysis in the area you've selected.
  • Have the statistical analysis and results from research conducted.
  • Cover technical aspects of the statistical /epidemiological methods discussed in class.
  • At least four of your sources must be from peer-reviewed scholarly journals.

Your paper must include the following:

Introductory Paragraph: Identify the purpose of the paper, the common research issue, and the corresponding statistical test in your opening paragraph.

Context Development: Discuss the three articles used, the focus of the articles, the research questions and hypotheses, and how the statistical technique helps answer the research question in the studies.

Statistical/Epidemiological Tool Discussion: Discuss the role of statistics/epidemiology in research and the common statistical test uses, limitations, and interpretation.

Conclusion: Summarize the elements of the chosen statistical test and the kinds of research questions the statistical test can help answer in your conclusion.

Resources: Provide a reference page listing all sources used in the development of this paper in American Psychology Association (APA) format.

The Final Paper:

Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style.

Attachment:- Organization of information from the Literature Review.rar

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Science: Research the coronary microvascular dysfunction
Reference No:- TGS03181287

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