
Research the cloud computing security


Research Topic: Cloud computing security

Task 1. Write a 2 pages (double spaced) Research proposal, an Abstract, and Bibliography for the Research Topic.

Submit the "Task 1" for Instructor's approval before beginning with Task 2.

Task 2. Write a 10 to 12 pages double-spaced paper based on the research topic. Also write thetable of contents, end notes, and 8 to 10 references.You may supplement and/modify the references proposed in the final report.


• The research project should review the literature (professional journals and publications).

• Gather the primary issues, discuss the various possible solutions to the issues raised, identify "trends," and formulate a position.

• The final output is a paper, 10 to 12 pages double-spaced excluding thebibliography, table of contents, end notes, and References.

• The paper must be in APA formatting, citations, and reference list with the exception thattables and figures can be inserted at the appropriate location rather than added at the end.

• Abstract (Short summary of problem, approach, expected/final result)

• Clear statement of problem(s) investigated:

• Technical Content (depth and accuracy of information and analysis, originality)

• Results and Conclusion

• Clarity, organization, grammar, and spelling:

• Sufficient and appropriate references and their citing (in APA Style)

Pleasenote since the topics is very broad, you should narrow down the research to some specific subtopic or technical aspects related to the subject. Ideally, try to focus upon real situations in an organization.

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