Discussion Question: Below I have provided the classes that I feel are most beneficial and the classes that are least beneficial. My research topic: Climate Change You will need this to complete the post below.
Please provide at least a 250-word response.
Review your doctoral program and identify three courses you believe will be the most beneficial and three that will be the least. Produce an initial post that concisely describes the goal and the ideas behind your proposed research project, list the three most and least useful courses in the program, and provide the rationale for your assessment for each course.
Most beneficial:
• Strategic Planning
• Accountability & Accreditation
• Financial Management & Enrollment Development
Least beneficial:
• Problem-Based Research in Action
• Doctoral Writing & Inquiry into Research
• Techniques & Interpretation for Statistical Analysis
Discussion Question 2:
Please provide at least a 250-word response.
Consider the positions the other students have made in M5 Discussion Question 1, especially where their opinion differs from yours. Ask probing questions and refine your initial post if new insights help you see things differently.