
Research the behaviour management strategy of time-out what

1. Survey

Create a parent survey with the intent on gathering information from families in relation to Quality Area Five of the National Quality Standards.

  • Your aim is to gather feedback from families you work with in relation to how they feel your service meet each of the standards in Quality Area Five
  • Think carefully about the wording you use and the format you choose
  • Also reflect upon how user friendly the survey or questionnaire is, with consideration to busy working families
  • Your survey must be computer typed, professional, grammatically correct and user friendly - when completed please attach to this document for submission

2. Research

a) Refer to the ECA Code of Ethics. Record all aspects of this code that would be relevant in working with children, families and colleagues in relation to managing behaviour.

Refer to the ACECQA National Quality Standards. Record all standards that would be relevant in working with children, families and colleagues in relation to managing behaviour.     

b) For this assessment you will be required to access information about TIME OUT as a behavioural management strategy. The Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, and the ACECQA National Quality Standards.

Research the behaviour management strategy of "time-out"

  • What did your research tell you about Time out?
  • What is your opinion of time out?
  • How does "time out" fit in with the National Quality Standards and the ECA Code of Ethics?

3. Research

Access the following website and answer the questions based on the information you can research from this site. https://education.gov.au/inclusion-and-professional-support-program


1. What is the aim of inclusion Support (IS)?

2. Who administers inclusion Support Subsidies (ISS) and who do they assist?

3. Who is eligible for inclusion Support Subsidy?

4. How do centre based services use ISS?

5. What are the contact details for the ISA in your region?

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Management Theories: Research the behaviour management strategy of time-out what
Reference No:- TGS01704883

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