Research the adoption and use of xbrl standards


Research the adoption and use of XBRL standards. Based on your research discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

Format: Title page should contain a title, student name, date, class name/number, and running head. Abstract page should be included (one paragraph, not indented) highlighting the key points of your paper. Paper should be double spaced, 1" margins, 12 pt font Times New Roman style, pages numbered throughout the document with running head in all capitals on each page.

Length: Paper should be not less than 4 and not more than 5 pages of text (not including title page, abstract page, exhibits, and reference page.)

Sources: Use at least 5 outside sources. Others may be authoritative sites such as FASB standards. Please follow proper APA format when citing.

PowerPoint: PowerPoint should also be completed summarizing key concepts and be 4-5 slides long.

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Other Subject: Research the adoption and use of xbrl standards
Reference No:- TGS01802791

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