
Research report brief assignment curtin university


To determine the effectiveness of the brand's newly-launched social media account, you are to analyse the data they have collected and develop a research report.

  • The focus is on interpreting and communicating results. Merely presenting results is of little value and analyses is useless if it is not linked back to the research context. It may help to think about implications for the relevant industry, the brand's marketing mix (4 Ps), consumer behaviour, etc.
  • A submission guide is available on Blackboard, and assessments must be submitted through Turnitin (.pdf) and a hard-copy to your tutor (online students exempt) by the stated due date (see Unit Outline).
  • There are several different data sets. You are to analyse ONLY the data set you are randomly allocated, as per the instructions on Blackboard. Utilizing any other data set will result in a mark of ZERO.
  • You must ensure that each variable in SPSS has your student number at the beginning of the label (not variable name). E.g. "13358432_1= Mobile, 2 = Tablet...". Failure to do so will result in a ZERO mark.
  • Direct presentation of SPSS tables or graphs in the main body of your report will result in a ZERO mark. Using Excel to produce tables and graphs is advised, with raw SPSS output in Appendices (see Exemplar)


The executive summary is a concise 1-page summary of the research project, key findings, interpretations, and recommendations. It is not an introduction, and should contain excerpts of the key information you want to communicate. (Approx. 200 words)


(Contributes to verbal and visual communication marks)


a) Comment on the extent to which the Device Used differs across the three psychographic groups. Provide your interpretation of why this may be. (Approx. 200 words)

[FREQUENCY] (Background Variable: Psychographic groups [Data → Split file → Organize output by groups])

b) Comment on the extent to which the Time of Day in accessing the social media page differs across four age groups. Provide your interpretation of why this may be. (Approx. 200 words)

[FREQUENCY] (Background Variable: Age groups [Data → Split file → Organize output by groups])

c) Comment on the extent to which a range of Interaction Times differ across gender. Provide your interpretation of why this may be. (Approx. 200 words)

[FREQUENCY] (Background Variable: Gender [Data → Split file → Organize output by groups])

d) Use measures of central tendency to compare the Monthly Social Media Visits of the three psychographic groups. Provide your interpretation of why this may be. (Approx. 200 words)

[CENTRAL TENDENCY - Mean, median, mode] (Background Variable: Psychographic groups [Data → Split file → Organize output by groups])

e) Comment on the variability of the 4 items of Social Media Involvement (II_1, II_2, II_6, II_9) for one psychographic group. Interpret what could explain this variability (Approx. 200 words)

 [DISPERSION - Standard deviation] (Background Variable: Psychographic groups [Data → Select cases → If condition is satisfied → Psycho = the group you wish to analyse)


What strategies should the brand put in place to increase the Monthly Social Media Visits for those who visit the social media page at key points in the Time of Day? (Approx. 300 words) [Crosstab]

Use specific reference to the analysis and interpretations of the data (from Crosstab analysis) to support your recommendations.

Link recommendations with existing industry-relevant marketing examples (screenshots, pictures, etc.), the lifestyle of users, and the 4P's of marketing (show actual examples to support).


a) Comment on the extent to which Interaction Time with the social media page differs for those who most commonly access the page in the morning and those at night (Time of Day). Provide your interpretation of why this may be. (Approx. 200 words) [T-TESTS]

b) Comment on the extent to which the Social Media Perception differs with the four Age groups. Provide your interpretation of why this may be. (Approx. 200 words) [ANOVA]

c) Determine what "factors" of Social Media Involvement emerge in your data. Provide conceptual explanations for why these factors may have emerged. (Approx. 200 words) [E.F.A.]

d) Comment on the impact of the number of Monthly Social Media Visits on user's Social Media Perception, depending on whether the Incentive was offered or not. Provide your interpretation of why this may be. (Approx. 200 words) [LINEAR REGRESSION]

(Background Variable: Incentive [Data → Split file → Organize output by groups])


Across psychographic groups, what strategies should the brand put in place to increase the number of Monthly Social Media Visits based on Interaction Time and Social Media Involvement ("factors" elucidated above). (Approx. 250 words)

[LINEAR REGRESSION] (Background Variable: Psychographic groups [Data → Split file → Organize output by groups])

Use specific reference to the analysis and interpretations of the data (from new regression analysis) to support your recommendations.

Link recommendations with existing industry-relevant marketing examples (screenshots, pictures, etc.), the lifestyle of users, and the 4P's of marketing (show actual examples to support).


8) APPENDICES (Contributes to verbal and visual communication marks)

The appendices hosts supporting information in your research report that is not published in the main body of the report because of its size, complexity, irrelevance, etc.

This is the only place where output from SPSS should directly appear, it should not be in the main body! (See Submission Guide)


Verbal communication must be clear, succinct, and in a manner suitable for a research report.

All responses to these questions must be fully supported by tables, or graphs, even when not explicitly stated in the question.


Tables and graphs must be summarised and formatted in a reader-friendly, aesthetically pleasing manner. Ensure visual aids are colour-coded, titled, labelled, have legends / keys, supporting numerics, etc. Competency in Microsoft Excel is advised.

Customer Profile Template -

Part 1: Demographics

1. What is the typical age range of this customer?

2. What is their gender?

3. What is their level of education?

4. What is their occupation?

5. Where do they live?

6. What is their household composition?

7. What is their race or ethnic origin?

8. In the space below, add any more relevant demographic detail.

Part 2: Psychographics

1. What are their hobbies/interests?

2. What are their favorite TV shows?

3. What problem are they solving by using your product/service?

4. What are the concerns or anxieties the customer may have about your business?

5. What are some of the potential turn-offs that would make the customer not return to your business?

6. What would make this customer recommend your business to a friend?

7. How much are they willing to spend on your type of product?

8. List any more important psychographic details:

Part 3: Actionable Insight

1. What are the best ways to reach this customer?

2. What types of promotions are going to engage this customer?

3. What types of promotions are NOT going to engage this customer?

4. What new products are going to interest this customer?

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