
Research questions focus our attention on three aspects of

Research questions focus our attention on three aspects of preliminary inquiry: (1) the topic is well focused and limited, (2) the topic raises an issue or presents a problem worthy of examination, and (3) the topic invites research into outside sources. The use of research questions is explained in WRP, section 2a. Provided below are a few topics to provoke discussion in order to frame appropriate research questions:

FOR EXAMPLE: If I were looking at the American Dream theme/topic from our journal, I might consider the following preliminary questions for inquiry:

1. Has the American Dream Died?

2. Was there ever an American Dream?

3. Is the American Dream a myth?

4. Do Americans still believe in the American Dream?

5. Are there aspects of the American Dream that are still achievable?


Compulsive gambling                                                      

E-mail security and Internet privacy

Plants of a freshwater pond                                            

Political campaign finance reform

freedom of  the press                                                    

Talk radio

Hiking the Appalachian Trail                                             

Population growth in the Pacific Northwest

Online CD buying                                                            

Online dating apps

Choose one topic and ask probing questions to build a network of questions about the issues of the subject.

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Other Subject: Research questions focus our attention on three aspects of
Reference No:- TGS01656692

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