
Research proposal on greek letter

Research Proposal on Greek Letter Organizations for Sociological Research methods class:

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Revise, Edit, Add better transitions, Grammar (Abstract may need work) (primary paper is another student example) my paper is the other attachment. We are mirroring mine to be like the primary paper.

Add introduction paragraph for each of the four major sections

The four major sections are Chapter 1:Statement of the Problem, Chapter 2 Lit Review, Chapter 3 Theory Hypothesis and Research Questions, Chapter 4 Methodoloy Scope and limitiations. Shape my paper up to model the primary example paper. develop a clear narrative, use sociological language, and add section on mixed methods research. The biggest task is to draft up a questionaire and insert into the paper and into the Table of contents.See example in paper look to Appendix B. Any questionaire, survey, etc you can draft up please add to the Appendices section of my paper. The questionaire or survey section should be a minimum of 3 pages Use likert scale or the same scale used in example of Strongly Agree, Agree, Dont Know ,Strongly Disagree, disagree.Additions to other areas shouldnt exceed two pages which should be focused on adding intro to each of the four sections and adding minor details to the body of the chapters. Goodluck and thank you!

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Other Subject: Research proposal on greek letter
Reference No:- TGS01433025

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