
Research projects, evaluating and discussing the usefulness

First part, In this forum, we'll look at possible sources for your research projects, evaluating and discussing the usefulness of those sources. Begin by using at least two databases in the Online Library and Google Scholar to look for research on your topic. Find at least two scholarly sources that you think you could use in your research project. Then, in your main post:

Tell us which research project you plan to do and why.
Talk about the process you went through finding the sources. What database worked best? Did you learn about the source and get access to it using the same database, or did you have to learn about it using one, and access it using another? Also discuss any difficulties you encountered and give tips that you think could help your classmates.
Write up summaries in your own words of two of the sources you plan to use in your research project (do NOT use an abstract given in the database where you found the source).
Explain how you think these sources will be useful to your research project. Are you using them to bring in background information or other important context? Support for your argument? Alternate views that you want to argue against?
Include works cited entries for each source. 

Required minimum-250 to 500 words

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English: Research projects, evaluating and discussing the usefulness
Reference No:- TGS057115

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