
Research problem or issue under investigation 2 theoretical


It is important to recognize that good research advances knowledge Therefore a good research project will address a gap in the existing literature This will enable the reader to quickly and clearly identify the significance and meaning of a given study It is therefore necessary to identify who the target audience is A gap in the literature is an issue or problem which has not been dearly and fully addressed Therefore, this is often identified as any area of confusion, contradiction or paradox Select at least three interesting, recent articles in your research area These papers need to focus around a specific area of research The goal is to summarize these papers and identify a gap or problem which would provide a motivation for a new research project The related work will have at least 15-20 cited literature work.

Write a 1500-word review (excluding references)

  • Identify the relevant target academic community for these articles
  • Identify the following for each article
  • Research problem or issue under investigation (2) Theoretical positions or models relevant to study (3) Data gathering and methods of analysis and (4) Contributions (theoretical, practical) of the research (5) How the given article advanced knowledge
  • Highlight a research gap or issue in this work which could be the basis of a qualitative study

This assignment will help to

  • Practice the identification and analysis of qualitative research papers in your area
  • Practice establishing an explicit literature motivation for a research project
  • Practice presenting your argument logically and in a dear and concise form

Each review is to be accompanied by a full set of cited references. The use of Endnote for your references is required.

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Dissertation: Research problem or issue under investigation 2 theoretical
Reference No:- TGS02807261

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