
Research plan - how will the factors that influence health

Assessment Task 1 - Research Plan

Assessment Description - You are required to reflect on your professional placement experience to date and identify an issue of interest to you that you can research e.g. Any condition, diagnosis, cultural competence, wound care, plan, palliative care euthanasia.

In a group of 2, you are to develop a research plan in 150 words, the research will cover:

1. Research aims: The aim of the work, a statement of your desired outcome.

From your placement what issues did you identify as potential areas for research?

What factors did you note that influenced health care and could require further research?

2. Research Question(s): Questions that you can ask, through your research that can be answered and achieved: Your aim - desired outcome.

Address how principles of best practice and quality management in practice will impact on your research.

3. Method: Draft ideas of how you will undertake the research.

How will the factors that influence health care, that you identified, Impact on how you will undertake the research?

What might be the physical and emotional support needs of clients involved in the study?

What individual client values and perceptions such as (age and gender) impact on participation in research activity?

Are there any other client values and perceptions that you need to consider?

What impact will socio-economic, physiological, emotional and physical variables have on the research activity? Consider the family and significant others ax well as the research subjects.

Assessment Task 2 - Literature Review

Assessment Description - In the pairs allocated for Assessment Task 1 you are required to conduct a literature review for your research plan.

You now have an issue of interest. Topic and a research question.

Think Pack to your topic, aim and research question and use at least (5) Five articles that utilise a mixture of research methods. E.g. quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

4. What are they researching? And Why?

5. How are they doing the research? (Method).

What ethical and cultural considerations were considered in the articles?

What type of date collection and analysis did they use?

What were the barriers to their research?

6. What were the results?

Explain how the following concepts of validity, efficacy and cost effectiveness were demonstrated in the research articles.

7. How is this linked to your topic?

8. How did they disseminate the findings of their research activity?

Assessment Task 3 - Research Proposal

Assessment Description - In your allocated partnership Develop a research proposal based on your research plan (aim etc) and literature review. Use the table below:

An Example has been included as guide only.


The broad area of interest


2-3 paragraphs that summarise everything in your research proposal.

Project Details

Introduce the issue, the background and the why's (use your literature review for this)


Take from assessment task 1

Research Questions

Take from assessment task 1

Research Method

The what, how and when. Step through your methods here. Using your literature review, what method has been trialed and tested would best work to answer your research questions?

Findings and Conclusions

The outcomes of the research you have applied and worked through your method identify. Conclude by answering your research question and your aim.

Assessment Task 4 - Role Play/Simulation

Assessment Description - In the pairs you have been allocated for all the assessments you will now present to your peers.

You are to take on the roles of researchers for your research project and conduct a presentation of your findings.

You must address the following points:

1. The summary of finding and how you will disseminate the findings.

2. The reason you undertook the research, include past research findings.

3. What method you used to conduct the research outline the nursing research methodologies used in the research activity.

4. The ethical principles and practices that you need to address when undertaking the research

  • Confidentiality
  • Duty of care
  • Public liability
  • Cultural and religious considerations
  • Support need of clients
  • Individual client values (age, gender, social and personal well-being)
  • Need of families and significant others

5. What were the limitations of your study and how that impacted on your findings?

6. How the data was collected, analysed and who was involved in the data collection?

7. Continuous improvement program: Are there areas that need more research and follow up?

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Dissertation: Research plan - how will the factors that influence health
Reference No:- TGS02723379

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